Marijuana Nutrition: Macro & Micro Nutrients
Understanding Marijuana Nutrition
To grow the best marijuana, you need a good understanding of marijuana nutrition. You will also need a good nutrient mix with a blend of the macro- and micro-nutrients your plants need. There are 6 macro-nutrients and 6 main micro-nutrients that your plant will need, depending on its stage of growth, to produce the best bud. Understanding the basics of cultivation is vital, and marijuana nutrition is one of the most important aspects of growing marijuana.
- Nitrogen (N) is needed to produce chlorophyll (the green pigment of leaves), which the plant needs for photosynthesis; nitrogen is a key compound during the vegetative stage since it promotes the development of broad, leafy foliage
- Phosphorous (P) is absolutely essential for proper flowering, it is also used by the plant for photosynthesis, root development and as an aid in using nitrogen
- Potassium (K) is integral for the plant’s photosynthesis (the process of turning light into energy), and the creation of proteins and carbohydrates; potassium is also used by the plant to fight diseases and it is integral to the movement of fluid throughout the plant
- Calcium (Ca) is used to build cell walls and to facilitate new growth, especially in the roots, it is also used in some enzyme reactions by the plant
- Sulfur (S) is used by the plant in enzyme and amino acid production
- Magnesium (Mg) is essential to form chlorophyll and is also used to make certain enzymes, magnesium also helps with phosphorous uptake by the plant
- Iron (Fe) is used by the plant to make chlorophyll and aid with some enzymes
- Boron (B) is vital to water uptake, seed production and cell formation in your plant
- Zinc (Zn) is used by the plant to activate certain enzyme reactions
- Manganese (Mn) is used in chlorophyll production and in many enzyme reactions
- Copper (Cu) is used in building strong stems and branches, as well as cell growth
- Molybdenum (Mo) is used in the production of enzymes and in creation of proteins
Commercial and Natural Fertilizers
There are many commercial fertilizers available to choose from, including liquid and powder forms. Most fertilizers will be marked with a percentage of N-P-K. The N-P-K stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, the three most important macro-nutrients. There are also specialized fertilizers available specifically for vegetative growth and blooming.
For the fans of doing all things the organic way, you have alternatives available to you for nutrients as well. One great marijuana nutrition option is rotted horse manure, especially if you are growing outdoors. Another wonderful option is worm casings or even bat guano. These are great to make sure your marijuana nutrition is top-notch.
Natural fertilizers often release nutrients over a longer period of time, so you don’t have to fertilize as often. The downside is that you may need to do some personal experimentation to get the ratios just perfect, and because the nutrients are released more slowly it will take longer to correct nutrient deficiencies with natural fertilizers. On the upside, nutrient burn is less likely.
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