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Quick Tips for Cloning Difficult Marijuana Strains

Cloning Difficult Marijuana Strains

Cloning Difficult Marijuana Strains If you have a marijuana strains that simply won’t take root, or you’re encountering an overwhelming failure with your current methods of cloning, here are a few ways to increase your chances of success: The potato graft: when you are trying to root particularly stubborn clones or cuttings taken from woodier, […]

Cloning Sativa vs. Cloning Indica


Cloning Sativa vs. Cloning Indica When cloning cannabis plants, the process for cloning sativa and indica (or even c. ruderalis, actually, though cloning ruderalis isn’t all that common) is identical, but results vary from breeder to breeder and from strain to strain. Your growing medium (soil, clay pellets, rock wool, etc.) as well as your […]

3 Best Sativa Strains to Grow

Top 3 Sativa Strains to Grow

Sativa Strains Since Cannabis Sativa originated in tropical and equatorial regions, adapting to an environment that encourages rampant growth, sativa strains are naturally best-suited to outdoor cultivation. A greenhouse offers an excellent choice as well, but for the devoted sativa smoker who must grow indoors there are some strains that can be managed more easily […]

Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis: A Comparison of Cannabis

Cannabis Comparison

Comparing Cannabis Strains As you may have heard, there are three main sub-species of cannabis that are cultivated throughout the world. The most widely known varieties, by far, are Cannabis Sativa and Cannabis Indica, while their less-known cousin is Cannabis Ruderalis. Each of the sub-species has unique characteristics that have resulted from its adaptation to […]